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Label Mix Interview - Shimron Tapes

Nina Label Mix

Online rap, made physical.

By editorial


Since 2021, Ohio label Shimron Tapes has been capturing the sound of the internet and putting it on a decidedly more analog format: cassette. They are one of the few labels to release tapes for online rap flashpoints like Xaviersobased, Evilgiane, RXK Nephew, and Hook; over the years, they have built a crucial archive of forward-thinking music. Their Nina Label Mix focuses on artists they have worked with in one way or another and is essential listening for anyone interested in contemporary rap’s vanguard. Press play, and read our intro with Shimron founders Adam and Mike below.

Where are you based?

Adam and Mike: Cleveland, OH.

Can you describe your label mix?

The mix consists of tracks from artists that have worked with us in the past or have a release planned.

What inspired you to start a label?

Physical media for this music was always unobtainable or nonexistent, and the few labels that did exist typically focused on a side of things we didn’t enjoy. The first release was established in 2018 but the idea materialized summer 2020 after years of feeling like things were getting overlooked.

Does your label have a sound or a mission?

No specific sound, but we tend to focus on more recent material at this point. The only mission is to highlight releases and get copies to the artists. 

What labels do you look up to?

Arbor, Ekhein, Lampshade, Wagon.

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